Thou Wilt Revive Me

As we face trials and difficulties in this present life, we all tend to react differently. The shock of an unexpected tragedy or a sudden loss can literally take the wind out of you. Some people actually pass out when faced with trouble or fear, while others tend to be more resilient showing unshakable faith. When we walk in the midst of trouble, we must realize that God may not spare us from certain situations, but that doesn’t mean we are abandoned. Quite the contrary, as God has a miraculous way of breathing hope and courage into our spiritual lungs during the worst of trials, bringing life and renewed determination.

Focus Scripture: 

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me. Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.” Psalm 138:7,8

If you have ever experienced someone in your presence choking on food or having difficulty breathing, it is such a troubling moment. We recently had this experience, and to see someone successfully administer the Heimlich maneuver or provide CPR for other medical situations is such a relief and gratifying moment. To see life breathed back into a person is an amazing thing, and the same is true in the spiritual realm.

Remember this, no matter the circumstance, problem, or trouble, oh what a promise we have, my friends. “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me.” Never forget that God is real, present, and able to help. May we all be thankful and aware that in both the peaceful and troublesome times, God will revive and save us!

Pastor Daron Hudspeth

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