This Life Church is your resource for support and guidance during your faith and recovery journey

As part of our mission, we want to be a valuable resource to our community. Contact us if you need additional support.
The enemy of our soul has a distinctive method of bringing confusion to the minds of believers and nonbelievers. The influence of the enemy is evident through the opinions and viewpoints of what we refer to as the news. Certain voices, if allowed to speak and influence our thinking, can bring confusion that is contrary…
READ >This past week as I considered the upcoming wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, I began to read about the rich history of our brave ancestors who came to the New World. It wasn’t until the 1860’s that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be a national holiday, however, if we go back to the…

Help is here, through our Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with issues like addiction, anger, or abuse, The Life Church offers support.
Resources in the Community
Crisis Lines
- National Suicide Hotlines: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
- Rape Crisis Line of Pinellas County: 727-530-7273
- Domestic Violence Line: 1-800-799-SAFE
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment
- ACTS (Alcohol Community Treatment Services): 727-942-4181
- Boley Centers for Behavioral Health Care: 717-824-5745 x 5745
- Directions for Mental Health: 727-534-4464
- Personal Enrichment through Mental Health Services (PEMHS)
- Suicide and Emergency Hotline: 727-791-3131
- 24 Hour Mental Health Assistance: 727-541-4628
- Pinellas Bridges: 727-490-1252
- Suncoast Center for Community Mental Health: 727-388-1220
- H.O.S.T. Outreach Mental Health Services to the Homeless: 727-823-7811
- Turning Point - Inebriate Intervention Center: 727-823-7811
- Vet Center: 727-893-3791
Mid County Shelters
- Clearwater Homeless Intervention Project: 727-466-6612
- Family Resources for Youth Runaway/Crisis Shelter: 727-449-8336
Food Pantries
- Daystar: 727-825-0442
- Elim 7th Day Adventis: 727-823-1619
- Family Fellowship Center: 727-525-7496