He Walks With Us

As they walked on the Emmaus road, it was a very dark time for two disciples of Jesus. The common sentiment now held by His followers was that of hopelessness and despair. His premature death by crucifixion had crushed any hopes that He would carry out Israel’s deliverance. The outlook of the two saddened travelers reflected how disoriented and disheartened many of Jesus’ disciples were. What would happen now? What type of future would they face ? No doubt, many questions filled their hearts as they walked bowed down beneath their load.

Focus Scripture:

“And as they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.” Luke 24:15 NIV

Yet suddenly, a stranger appears unexpectedly. Earnestly they began to talk and unload their fears and skepticism to this unknown man. Then, as they travel on the Emmaus road, a warm stirring glow within their hearts begins to ignite. Later in Luke 24:32 the life-changing moment was described  in this manner “Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way?” Eventually, as they arrived at their destination and sat down to break bread, the powerful realization sets in, and they know, they know, it was the recently resurrected Jesus who had appeared and walked with them!

Never doubt it for a moment, Jesus is with you every step that you take. It’s on the old beaten road of commonplace daily routine that we sometimes lose faith and lose hope that there are better days coming. For every disciple of Jesus there will be moments that we feel all alone and abandoned. There will be times on this road of life that we will feel hopeless and disheartened by modern day events and depressing news. However, through it all, let us remember that He is ever present and closer than He has ever been. The only way to travel the rocky ravines and slippery gullies is with Him alongside and in control. If you listen closely today, you will hear Him say “Be courageous and unafraid and let’s go on together you and I.”

Pastor Daron Hudspeth


  1. Amy Windisch on January 16, 2021 at 2:23 pm

    An encouraging word!
    Thank you!

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